Meet the team

Our team of 51 medical and professional staff spread over our 4 locations within the Manawatu and horowhenua region Are here to help you. It’s our job to make you feel cared for, comfortable and safe in the knowledge that we will provide you with the very best service.

We think our team is the best in the Manawatu and we have invested heavily in having the latest and most innovative technology - we have machines here that are not found outside major centres.  We only employ the very best staff who believe that patients come first, and that everything we do is primarily about patient care.


Every procedure we do, we consider how we can improve our service to you. One of the ways is to meet our team before you visit us. Check out our friendly faces, and read about our highly skilled medical and professional teams.


Our Radiologists

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Broadway Radiology has built a team of diagnostic and subspecialty radiologists that is unmatched in our region.  With Radiologists always onsite, we can ensure timely and accurate diagnostic information at all time.   All of our radiologists are Fellows of the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Radiologists and many have received extensive training in the complex subspecialties of radiology such as musculoskeletal radiology, oncology imaging and women's imaging.  They maintain their skills and knowledge with regular courses and conferences.  


If you would like to find out more about our Radiologists Click here



Our Management Team

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Our management team embodies vast knowledge from a team of individuals from varied backgrounds offering the perfect combination of knowledge and skills that ensure Broadway Radiology is always providing the very best service to our patients.   


If you would like to find out more about our Management Team Click here



Our radiographers

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Radiographers are qualified healthcare professionals who produce medical images of the body, using radiation, ultrasound or magnetic fields, to help doctors diagnose and treat illness and injury.


They hold a three-year Bachelor of Health Science (Medical Imaging) degree and must be registered with the Medical Radiation Technologists Board (MRTB) and hold a current practising licence, which requires continual professional development to an internationally recognised standard.  Becoming a Radiographer requires a combination of brains, technical skill and compassion, and the profession is in big demand, both in New Zealand and overseas.


Radiography is a fast moving and continually changing profession. Modern developments in imaging technology, such as ultrasound (US), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and other specialised imaging techniques have resulted in Radiographer's extending their knowledge and skills far beyond the production of ‘simple’ x-rays.



MRI Radiographers



MRI Radiographers are Radiographers who have specialised in MRI. This is an exceptionally talented group of medical professionals who have trained extensively in MRI procedures and equipment use.


As a team they enjoy making a real difference to a patient’s life, firstly by making the procedure as comfortable as possible, and secondly by helping with an accurate diagnosis by taking excellent images.


The job itself is mentally challenging, but the team takes pride in being friendly and caring while maintaining the highest professional standards.



Our Sonographers

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Sonographers specialise in Ultrasound.  A diagnostic medical sonographer is someone who uses special imaging equipment that directs sound waves into a patient’s body to assess and diagnose various medical conditions.


As a team their favourite part of the job is thinking outside the square and finding the cause for patient problems. Our sonographers bed-side manner is caring, nurturing, empathetic and professional.  Like all medical professionals at Broadway Radiology they enjoy technology, and delivering high-quality results, every day for every patient.



Our Administration Team

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Our Administration Team is made up of a number of different teams across our locations.


Call Centre 

When you call Broadway Radiology it’s the Customer Care team that are on the other end of the phone. Whether you’re calling about an appointment, or for information about how to go about booking an appointment, it’s the friendly Customer Care team that will help you.  The team takes all incoming calls to Broadway Radiology, including GPs and other health professionals,  ACC , as well as patients.  Please call Customer Care if there’s anything you need help with, and they’ll either help you themselves, or put you through to someone who can.


The big friendly smiles you get when you walk through our doors is from our Reception staff.  They pride themselves on being both friendly and efficient.  They can help you with scheduling an appointment, ensure all of your details are correct and get you ready for your visit to the Sonographer or Radiographer.  We’ll take you to wherever you need to go and introduce you to them.  Reception staff can also help you with payments and any further queries you may have. 


Medical Typist

Our Medical Typists work closely with the Radiologists assisting with all administration aspects of their report writing.  


Radiographic Assistant

The role of the Radiographic Assistant is to provide an outstanding level of personal care to our patients, and to support our clinical teams to ensure a smooth workflow and optimal patient experience. 



It’s their job in finance to ensure that money goes in and out as it’s supposed to.  Finance also manages ACC payments on behalf of clients.  Any queries about payments and invoices are handled by the very efficient and approachable Finance team. 


PACS Adminstrators 

The role of our Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) team is to manage the images for public and private health referrers. It’s essential that all images taken are of high quality, to assist in diagnosis and treatment, and that these images are stored in PACS and easily accessible to those on the PACS database.